Monday, November 5, 2018

Smartphone Shoud not be Allowed at School

Today, technology cannot be separated from human life and even other creatures. the creation of technology is actually a human aid in everyday life. however, not all technologies can facilitate human work, there are also technologies that can inconvenience or disturb others if not used at the right conditions and at the right time. an example is the use of cellphones at school.

The use of cellphones in schools is of course not wise. because the existing features on mobile phones now focus more on entertainment in the form of music, photos, videos, and even various games can be played on one cellphone.

second, cellphones make students' social attitudes decrease. Imagine, during rest hours at school the students are busy watching or listening to music on their cellphones, let alone playing games and having fun with their own cellphones, so social interaction will certainly decrease.

The bad impact on the learning process and student attitudes caused by the above cellphones should be a serious concern for schools to strictly prohibit students from carrying cellphones at school.

By Dian Paris Sulistiawati

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