Monday, November 5, 2018

Smartphone Shoud not be Allowed at School


In today's digital era, technological developments such as cellphones are increasingly developing. The features offered are increasingly diverse, starting from social media, entertainment and the quality of cameras and videos that spoil its users.

Features These advanced features are the starting point for diminishing student interest in learning. no wonder many schools prohibit students from bringing cellphones to school. This of course has a strong argument, first, the use of cellphones in schools will disturb the learning process, students' attention will be divided if the cellphone rings during the learning process, of course the teacher and classmates are also disturbed.

Camera and video features provided by cellphones are another factor why cellphones should be prohibited from being brought to school. Cameras and videos of course will make students more interested than having to read books in libraries. It is even possible that students will take pictures and even make videos of teachers or other students in class.

Considering this bad impact, all schools should prohibit students from carrying cellphones at school. schools must also cooperate with parents so as not to allow their children to bring cellphones to school.

By Abdul Hasan Husain

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